Mental Health Resources
1. Mental health services in New York City
Bridges Mental Health - APIDA Clinician Directory, Events, and Resources
NYC Well has a staff of trained mental health professionals that can help callers find the most appropriate mental health and substance abuse services for their needs. Services include counseling, suicide prevention, crisis intervention, peer support, referrals to care, assistance in connecting to the referral, and follow-up services. NYC Well is free and confidential and operates 24 hours per day, 7 days per week via phone, text, and internet chat. NYC Well is multilingual and multicultural.
(888) NYC-WELL (888-692-9355)
711 (TTY for hearing impaired)
New York City Child and Adolescent Mental Health Outpatient Services
NYC Crisis Emergency Services Resource page
For a directory for benefits, entitlements, and various social services in New York City, please click HERE.
2. Mental health services in New York:
3. Mental health services and resources in the U.S.
4. Immigration Legal Rights and Resources:
Every individual in the U.S., including undocumented immigrants, has the right to remain silent and seek legal help if stopped by immigration or police officer (National Immigration Law Center).
For factsheet (available in Chinese, Korean, Arabic and Spanish):
5. NYC Immigration Hotline (staffed by Legal Aid Society – interpreters available)