Get Involved
The New York Coalition for Asian American Mental Health has historically helped pioneer community wellness, advocated to improve health services, and increased the visibility of underserved Asian American communities. We are calling for Asian American mental health professionals to join together and continue building upon this legacy.
Throughout the past year, racism, xenophobia, and other forms of oppression caused an increase in acts of violence and hate targeting Asian Americans. This collective trauma came alongside the devastating impact of the pandemic which worsened many long-standing issues in society. Along with the extensive increase in mental health needs came the additional urgency to support community wellness.
Many have been thinking about the question, “What can I do?” Asian American mental health professionals have a unique role to play in our various communities. Whether that is through advocacy, community service, professional development, or collaboration with other organizations, we are actively planning and organizing ways to promote the mental health of Asian American communities throughout the NYC area and beyond.
Membership Newsletter
Any individuals who subscribe to our mailing list and social media are considered participating members who will receive our newsletter, event announcements, and postings as well as attend any Coalition activities. As of July 2019, memberships are FREE. Donations to support and sustain the ongoing work of the Coalition are welcomed.
Subscribe to our newsletter to become a member.
Upcoming Events
Join fellow Asian American mental health professionals for peer-based group supervision. Among many others, topics have centered around racism & oppression, adapting to changes during the pandemic, navigating difficult interactions, discussing clinical challenges, and dealing with stress and trauma in the workplace, at school, and in the community.
Micro-, mezzo-, and macro-level issues often influence the mental health and well-being of individuals and communities. How do we incorporate advocacy, community service, professional development, and collaboration among ourselves and others to fight oppression and improve the mental health and well-being of Asian American communities in the NYC region and beyond? Join the NYCAAMH’s Planning and Organizing Committee in processing, planning, and executing ways for us to take action.
The Coalition invites all members old and new, along with those interested in utilizing their skills and talents, to envision the future of Asian communities and collaboratively map out an action plan. By joining our peer-led group, you will be able to:
Gain experience working in a non-profit environment
Develop your leadership skills
Use your talents and experience to make a difference in the Asian American community
Meet like-minded individuals from diverse roles in the mental health field
Learn more about yourself and others
**To join our virtual Peer Supervisions, Planning & Organizing Committee meetings, and other community-building workshops, please check the Google calendar below for the dates and Zoom links. You can also subscribe to receive our periodic newsletters containing event information, and join our Facebook community.**
Make a donation.
Our mission is to address the mental health care needs and service disparities of the Asian American population through advocacy, community service, professional development and collaboration with government and local service providers. If you would like make a donation to support NYCAAMH, please click on the button below. Your contributions will go directly toward enhancing our community outreach and sustaining professional development events.